football love
patch love :)
yep they play together :)
mommy blooper, oops
gorgeous new dress, sephora "purse"
seahawk love, love grandma
We have definitely kept busy lately... David has three therapy appointments per week and Anna is now going to preschool two times a week. Joel has been here and gone again, getting ready for deployment. :( David has seven teeth now and I think today working on number eight. Thankfully, he did actually grow in length but not in weight. The developmental doctor we saw last week says that most likely it is his tight muscles that cause him to waste a lot of calories. And he certainly does not eat like Anna, so he is not matching up the intake with output. Totally makes sense to me. No matter, I will continue to pray for God's intervention.
On a wonderful note, Dr. Ellis was surprised to see David's progress and wouldn't have predicted it. She said this after I asked her for some guidance on the future. Unfortunately, she says we won't have a better guess until he is 2-3 or even as late as 5-6 years old on his development. She was able to give me some tips on increasing calories (adding things such as wheat germ, etc., more Pediasure, and always 2 foods in every bite, i.e. cream cheese and bagel), also constipation - adding pureed pumpkin to foods (yum!), and even for Anna's eczema - Vaseline of all things. And yes it helped, no kidding.
I will update this when she gives me an adjusted age for David based on what he is doing.
David added some more words to his vocabulary of a few - mama, dada, star, diaper, all done, lots of baby talk and he repeats every once in awhile. I really want to him to come up with milk, right now he just points to the fridge and says, unh.
We continue to work on David's left hand and arm with occupational therapy, he is starting to get a little angry about it and showing off a temper. Please say a prayer for this! And also for his tight muscles in his legs. He is making excellent progress and we are so very thankful. That's all for now. God Bless you.
Love it!!! They are already looking so much bigger!!! Miss y'all:)