David - Beloved. William - Protector.

Monday, April 16, 2012


The sweetest word you ever did hear! David says, "bubbies". I will give you a guess on what these are...


D is really starting to talk, it is so fun. We had a bubble bath and that was the word that came out. I love it! He even has a two word phrase, "all clean" after washing hands. Latest words, include baby, doggie, cracker, ice cream (yep), hotdog, color, "cado" for avocado... still can't get him to say milk. Hmm...

I realized this week that I must not be super clear on David's development because yet again I had a visitor (a sweet family friend) who was surprised by how well he is doing. So, I thought I would try to paint a better picture.

He walks along furniture (which is what the word "cruising" means), and reaches across to get to the next thing. Sometimes unsuccessfully. He pulls up to furniture. He crawls on ALL fours and reciprocal too!!!! This is an amazing thing, I really didn't think it would happen, I mean his army crawl was doing the job. Getting from A to B was easy for him. But God has bigger and better plans that I can imagine. He is curious and plays with all sorts of toys. He can smash the baseball on the mini teeball toy, I have to watch putting the ball back on before he hits the next homerun! He is a boy and loves to throw toys! ...er and rocks.

He loves to sit with sissy and "color", which is short lived but he enjoys throwing them on the floor... Anna tries to redirect him and usually ends in a yelling match, ha! She is such an artist, she is drawing houses, people, flowers, clouds, and stars! That crazy girl can write seven words correctly from memory, including her whole name. She loves to read books and sing and dance (especially to songs from the Nutcracker). I love her sweet voice, although she would rather me sing alone. Her favorite song at bedtime is Oh Holy Night (yes I am STILL singing it from November). I need to come up with a new song that she will love, any suggestions??

Back to D, the boy loves to SING! It is the sweetest thing and no you cannot understand the words, maybe the first two or so. But he sings all day long... during meals, playing, sometimes at night. I love it and hope he doesn't stop anytime soon. :)

What else? So much, honestly to me he seems normal. He doesn't walk and he doesn't have two word phrases, but otherwise he knows what is going on and when I tell him to do something or not to, he knows. It's hard to explain what it's like to deal with the diagnosis of CP and brain injury. The best I can come up with is that you don't look at things kids are not doing but you are overjoyed by what they can do. They are blessings instead of milestones, amazing feats instead of the "normal" development and progression of childhood.(I hope that didn't sound to harsh.) David is a special blessing and amazes me everyday by his sweet demeanor, growth and love.

Easter 2012

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us,
to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

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