How blessed are we? David is 3 years old, a sweet and crazy boy! It has been awhile since I have updated so maybe I will brag a little about his skills (all credit to the Lord, of course!). Each day I am amazed at the incredible things he can do. Let me give you a few examples...
**The other day we were in the doctor's office and he decided to open all of the drawers, but open to all the same length, not all the way out but about halfway, then he proceeded to hide my chapstick in them!
**When things are out of order, I am always told to put them back, such a bossy one... (i.e. cabinets open, the vacuum out, etc.).
**He LOVES to throw anything in the trash, he jumps right on it if he sees me carrying something. **He loves to feed Roxy, though all of the food doesn't make it in the bowl.
**He is trying very hard to get the knack of walking, he can take about 5-6 steps pretty easy and then loses his balance. Walking around furniture is very easy... in November-ish his favorite thing to do was stand up on Anna's cushy chair and look out her window! Which leads me to the the next thing.
**He is just now able to get up on the couch... he is not very flexible. Just the other day I told him he could pick a movie (even though he does not watch them!), so quickly he got on the couch and was looking over the back faster than I could run over and make sure he didn't fall right over, head first! I do not want to start height falling! He already falls and smashes his head enough for this mama.
**He is using his left hand more and more... it started off with markers. Trying to take the cap off and on, off and on, etc. After much frustration, he can do it now! Thank goodness we have some color wonder markers because his hands were getting quite marked up! He has learned how to use his left hand to hold things, while unscrewing caps, feeding babies, etc. It is truly an answer to prayer! I will never give up praying for a full recovery!
**Watch for a picture... I will post some favorite things of his!
So, we celebrated David's birthday at Chuck E Cheese's this year! We got home and he replayed all that he did, it was very sweet! He and his friends had a blast... in fact we called it a trash can blast! Weird theme but I chose something that David really likes! He always points them out and loves to empty and refill the office one, which is just his size! Here are some pics! We had pizza, muffins, and played a ton of games.
favorite froggy game! |
What else...? Let's see David can count to ten easily, sing a lot of songs (which he impressed the doctor at his 3 year visit when he carried a tune!), knows some colors, drinks out of an open cup sometimes, loves sweets, hitting the teeball, playing in the rocks, sliding down slides, can do puzzles (board ones easily), can cut paper, build a tall tower of blocks, and more! His favorite person is still his sister, he is so sad when she has to go somewhere without him, and he always wants to play with her... even if they fight a lot! It is an interesting stage, learning how to share and being kind to others can be time consuming and a bit hair-raising for me! You should hear Anna, she is so cute. She will introduce herself to someone and immediately she says, "and this is my little brother David." I love it.
Of course there is a lot he cannot do... but we are hopeful. He cannot dress himself, walk very far, or perform a lot of the three year milestones which are related to physical actions. He and I both get very frustrated when he falls ALL of the time... it's hard to watch somedays. But he pushes forward and perseveres. Life is busy! We still see the physical therapist and occupational therapist but have dropped speech therapy (he talks too well!). Each day is filled with much to do and more to learn!
Happy Birthday David! You are loved!
I love the big picture of David. Such a precious happy face!! Each day is such a gift with him. so excited to hear of the progress he is making. There will be new milestones to celebrate in the days ahead. He is so blessed to have you all as his family! Happy Birthday, sweet David!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Pam!