David - Beloved. William - Protector.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello Friends! I wanted to write a little post with pics and such for Anna, she turned 3! I always have a giant list of awesome ideas that I want to have and make for the party and does it ever happen? nope. Do I take pictures like I have an amazing camera (but I don't really)? yep! :) enjoy the many pictures...

Anna is such a big girl and she reminds me of it all of the time. And she wants to be so independent, doing everything herself. We have lots of dressing changes during the day and she is adamant that she wear a dress everyday. Unfortunately, it is usually between two dresses, which I have slyly made "in the wash" for a few weeks at a time. She loves reading, swinging, swimming in the pool, coloring, and playing with David in his crib! She is so sweet but feisty, she keeps me on her toes with discipline as you know, toddlers do that. We had her three year well check recently and she kept telling the doctor, "Use your doctor stuff!" Oh, yes I forgot she is bossy too. I love her so dearly.

sprinkle/chocolate-rimmed milk glasses!

a rainbow theme...

food, food, food,

rainbow jello mold, didn't exactly come out right, but still looked awesome!!!

chocolate on the forehead...

David and Grady having a great time!

butterfly treats for the friends, thanks for making a great party!

How I wish this picture was not blurry, it is one of my favorites! Aren't they two of the sweetest babies you have ever seen?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a fun party! Your kiddos are growing up so fast - and they are soooo cute! Missing you guys & can't wait til we get to hang out again someday!
